Dec 16, 2020 | Photos, Troop Announcements
Scouts and their parents from Troop 73 spent two consecutive Saturdays, first distributing bags, and then collecting them full of food for the pantry, located in Holy Trinity School. The volume of food was overflowing, demonstrating the community’s amazing...
Sep 12, 2020 | Troop Announcements
The Boy Scouts of Troop 73 will be hosting a morning of Arrow of Light achievement at Watchung Reservation on Sat., Oct. 17, 2020 AOL scouts from all local packs are welcome to spend the morning working with skilled Boy Scouts and their adult leaders. Troop 73 is one...
Sep 12, 2020 | Troop Announcements
The global pandemic was no reason for Troop 73 Scouts to sit back and ignore their Scouting journey this summer. Our Troop 73 Scouts overcame the hurdle of having the annual trip to Camp Winnebago cancelled this year and took their learning online. Largely boosted by...
Sep 7, 2020 | Troop Announcements
Troop 73 will start the new scouting year with virtual Troop Meetings. The Committee’s goal is to begin in-person meetings as soon as they can be done safely. See the calendar page for details. New scouts are welcome to attend a meeting to find out more about...
Jul 25, 2020 | Photos, Troop Announcements
Dan Beard scouts from Westfield’s Troop 73 worked with older scouts at the Scout area in Watchung Reservation on July 25 to finish up advancement requirements started during their virtual summer camp in July.