Jul 23, 2022 | Troop Announcements
Troop 73 sent a crew to Philmont Scout Reservation in Northeastern New Mexico for a 10-day, 80+mile trek in July 2022. The eight Scouts and 4 adult Scouters accompanying them prepared for the trip of a lifetime for about 18 months. The scouts learned about the outdoor...
Apr 11, 2022 | Photos, Troop Announcements
Scouts from Troop 73 hiked 15 miles over two days at the “Beginner Backpacking trip” in April 10-11. Harriman State Park.
Apr 2, 2022 | Photos, Troop Announcements
A group of Scouts and adult leaders spent a weekend retracing the steps of one of the most dramatic days in American history, the Battle of Antietam. Antietam is sometimes cited as the bloodiest day in all of American history. The scouts learned the history of the...
Dec 11, 2021 | Eagle Stories, Troop Announcements
The Boy Scouts of Troop 73 hosted a morning of Arrow of Light achievement at Watchung Reservation on Sat., Dec 5, 2020 for several AOL scouts from all local packs. The group spent a few hours working with skilled Boy Scouts on lashing and knots, fire building and...
Dec 11, 2021 | Eagle Stories, Troop Announcements
Congratulations to Daniel Guerrero for earning his Eagle Scout Rank Dec. 2, 2021. Daniel is Troop 73’s 150th Eagle Scout!