Jonathan Scalia, of Westfield, joined his two brothers who came before him as the family’s third Eagle Scout. In addition to completing over 22 merit badges, he was a Patrol Leader, Quartermaster, a consistent top seller for the Christmas plant fundraiser, and a Scholar Athlete Scout recipient. He attended the American Legion’s Jersey Boy State in 2022 as an appointed Municipal Attorney and elected Federalist Councilman participating in a mock state government.
With the help of his Troop 73, fellow St. Helen’s youth members, friends, and family, Jonathan cleared the brush and overgrown fauna, packed the ground with gravel, and constructed and installed a crossover bridge. With a minimalist approach, he wanted a natural and uncluttered space. Upon entry, you can choose to follow the stone-laden spiral path (his interpretation of a labyrinth) and finish facing out on an unearthed rock or sit and be reflective on the simple wooden bench.
Eagle Scout is the highest rank that can be earned in scouting.
In the decade from 2010 to 2019, a remarkable 45 Scouts from Troop 73 reached the rank of Eagle. Ten more have done so thus far in the 2020s.
The troop’s first Eagle Scout was James Harrington in 1948, followed by Peter Scheuermann in 1950.
Only 2-4% of all scouts complete the trail to Eagle, which demonstrates a several year commitment to leadership, service, and outdoor activities.
The final step to attain the Eagle Scout rank is to prepare and complete a special service project for the local community, church or school. This well known aspect as been in place nationally since October 1965.
One highlight happened for Troop 73 in 1996 when the troop graduated a remarkable eight Eagle scouts at a “Flock of Eagles” ceremony. This represented a group of boys who joined Cub Scouts as young friends and stayed together through the entire Boy Scout experience to earn the Eagle Scout rank.